Sunday, January 26, 2014

This Is Not New Zealand. Home Holiday - Day 2

I woke up with enough time to take the dog of the yellow house for a leisurely walk. And by leisurely I mean really really slow - though this is one thing I can learn to do a bit more of, just to stop and meander and not worry about pace. Our 10 minutes around the block turns into 20 minutes these days but I guess it isn't a race when you are on staycation.

Breakfast was at Two Before Ten drinking bloody good coffee in the cool morning air, followed by mushrooms, bacon and eggs and plenty of time to chat as the sun warmed up. On the drive home I saw the Dynamite Records sign at the markets and accidentally bought some classic Australian music on vinyl. I had to - it's Australia Day.

The rest of the day was spent sitting in a pretty backyard, which is the second home to Teddy my imaginary greyhound, under a big old tree. An afternoon of listening to music, eating watermelon granita and making new friends. And can I just say, I'd forgotten just how good watermelon granita is! It's astoundingly good.

Fireworks from the hill end the day before heading home - it was nice listening to both the children and adults gasp in delight. 'This is the best day ever' was declared by one little kid TWICE (cute overload times a million). Best days are great though, and as I drive home I think about some of my best days the last few months. Maybe I'm not so different from that little kid because these best days have been filled with little simple things and fun. Either way, I hope that kid remembers this very evening in years to come, sitting on a chilly hill in Canberra, surrounded by strangers with bats flying low and in the distance, far away, explosions of colour lighting the night time sky.

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